Saturday, April 28, 2012


burning bush of color
I normally work every weekend of my life.  A last minute thought to stop and use the few extra minutes before my shift to get an iced coffee caused a change in blood pressure to my head and a nosebleed gusher blew.  Yippie.  Spring.  

I went into my job, and then walked right back out, on a sick day. The most activity I wanted to do for the rest of the day was, nothing.  So I got some oil pastels, and a piece of foam core board and made something colorful.  I draw this shape leaf all the time.  The color that I mindlessly grabbed next became the next color I used... and then I just drew some branches.  I'm happy about this one because I didn't put any thought into it at all, and it looks pretty neat. 

Just something to do while I'm was sitting here bored trying to drink a lot of water and move very little.  I looked up a bunch of zoo and aquarium websites too.  Did you know a lot of them have live camera feeds?  OOOooo.  GIANT FISH TANK!!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Crayon Arts.

I started with a blue crayon.  Get some creepies on there.

Creepies of the deepies
Moved on to some glow in the dark crayons to make undersea Mariana trench type scene.  Glued some other crayons on there, then did that trendy thing and melted them so they'd get all dripp-ay.  
dippy and drippy

added crayon shavings then melted them

too much wax on the creepie
 Then I scraped away what got on my fish, hope he didn't feel the burn.  Or maybe he likes that sort of thing... actually the big one is a chick.  One BA chick.  The little one that's spying her is the boy... oh yeah.  Maybe they'll get connected.  Strange that the boy attaches and then grows into and lives on the girl for the rest of his life.  Sorry dude.  I guess 'cause it's so dark down there in the deep that you would lose her if you ever left and tried to find her again.  The lantern on the porch is on, but they all look the same down the block.  WHAT?  I hope you could follow that.  No?  I can't keep up with me either. 

scale that fish!

Close up Mrs. Creepville?
 Going to get in there with water color palettes and some watercolor crayons to add to the crayon art theme. 

Palette of watercolors I've had since 5th grade that I won at some school event for being awesome.

 Let's see how nice the resist technique works out. Special Effects! 

Wax Resist (look around the DEEP) Hey Creepie!  Brush those teethies!

  Not a masterpiece. It sure was fun without the pressure to make something AMAZING on my first try.  

It glows under a black-light!
Maybe to glue on some brass bits later... give it that steam punk glory.  

I think I see James Cameron's submersible...

Check out more crayon arts online.  Mostly you just see the drippy things, but they are quite simple and enjoyable!