Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Culprit

This is the painting that started it all.  My Great Aunt Pat was talking with my mother years ago about how the last time she saw me was when I was in High School and we were talking about my painting class.  We were studying Fauvism at the time where color was the big thing.  I was painting something that I was putting "red grass" into and it was my favorite assignment ever, to be painting something all the "wrong" colors.  
So I suppose she asked me to paint her something like that at the time of that conversation, something with red grass in it.  She didn't care what it was as long as it had red grass in it.  I had forgotten all about it and Mom reminded me of course.  Got to work right away and sent it to her for Valentine's day I believe.
The photo I was referencing for this landscape is from My Grandfather's Camp out in Vermont.  I looked at that photo and decided that the things I liked most about the mountaintop camp in Vermont were the colors of the flowers in the fields with butterflies, and the sky at night.   

Painting with those things in mind is how this came about.  This is the first painting I did in my "own" style.  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Stuffed Studio!

Hello Friends.

I have been much overwhelmed with craft supplies this year in my studio space.  I become interested in the process of one craft or another and I have this compulsive need to buy materials to make said craft.  Then sometimes it sits around for 10 years.  

This has been going on a long time. Growing up, a corner of my bedroom was my Mom's sewing "room".  Mom was in my room a lot making things and I would help.  I would say this is her main passion craft, whereas mine has always been painting or "coloring".  I would get excited and want to make things too when she was making her sewing projects, however I don't quite posses the passion or skill set she has for the actually MAKING the thing part.  

Around my Junior year of High School I lost my kitteh Sundae.  She was a shy and sweet Calico.  The boys in the house called her a scaredy cat... I called her a "Scared of YOU TWO!!" cat because they were loud and bad.  She was nice to me, and I loved her very, very much.

ANYWAYS I lost her, and started having my Mom teach me how to sew as a hobby.  I think at the time she was also taking a quilting class so it was nice to have her company when I was home in my room as she made her quilt squares.  I'm getting off track... anyways, I bought some fabric that I was inspired by at the time and now after 13 or so years I haven't done a thing with it.  

For the next month I am going to try to sell things that are cluttering my space and mind in my studio.  If I haven't used the thing in a few years... I'm going to see if someone else has a need for it.  So today I listed three luxe fabrics I have been seeing in my closet for years:)

PLEASE take a look on my esty shop "Paintventure" and pass it on if you know someone who would like these fabrics.  :)

SUNDAE from a page in my scrapbook.  :)