Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Artist Trading Cards "ATC" - because I did.

I have a stockpile of "Artist Trading Cards" blank of course, and I am always deifying these little 2.5" x 3.5" cut pieces of Acrylic Pad Paper.  They sit in my drawer, wanting to be masterpieces that I trade with friends and artists and just have this awesome Artistic lifestyle sipping Martini's and being posh and wonderful... but since that doesn't happen for reals, and most likely won't, these cards just had all this unnecessary mysticism, or hopes and dreams, put on them, that stunted their potential and growth.  

So I was cycling through an emotional roller coaster in my Artist head one evening and decided... I'm never going to be the posh cool Artist that receives this beautiful fantasy of give and take pen pal art making and I got pissed about being alone all the time, broke and invisible so I opened all the little packages and started painting them all the color brown that you see on the package below.  I don't like it when my life is not ever like my dreams.  Art Therapy.

This started as an assignment from the book "Drawing Lab."  A person is to make art using a small inanimate object.  I chose these that live in the drawer dedicated to pencils in my drawing desk drawer: 

Wooden Sculptures acquired years ago Mom gave them to me.   I don't know who she got them from.

The gist of the assignment is limit your color palette and only use the object throughout a series of drawings that you complete each in five minutes or less.  The rule of the book is don't get too precious about it.  The assignment is fun and sketchy and no pressure art.  I really free up creatively when I "draw" with paint, I don't really relax drawing with pencil, I can't really "paint over" mistakes when I draw.  Erasers don't really erase.  

I started with four dinky acrylics that comes-with-the-dollar-stretched-canvas-purchased-at-Christmas Tree Shops and used those to "use them up"  but they actually ended up nice flowing paints.  Ivory Black, Yellow Ochre, Cobalt Blue, and Cad Orange.   I started just using two round brushes size 0 and 2.

Then this one had to start coming alive.  I was having a great time with the assignment just being what it was, and then this magical thing happened where my imagination just started flowing through my arm and doing that Zone/Sync thing and a story happened, and an unlikely friendship happened.  :)  So for the last two I broke out all the little brushes, including my awesome Princeton Select brushes.  I used a teeny bit of white (cheater) and definitely took more than five minutes (sigh... FAIL at directions...)

EYE CRINKLES!! SIGH :) Happy Giraffe is happy.

The finished pieces did end up getting a proper home to my good friend Annie. I was visiting and I have a compulsive need to gift her something when visiting.  We went out to chill at the lake where I dug some sweet caverns with my feet in the sand as she talked about all things.  Annie is one of my only friends that I really listen to and don't cut in with advice too early. 

 Her husband Matt came home while we were out.  Annie had left the cards on the Kitchen table.  When we came back, Matt said VERBATIM what was going on in my head when I was making them. He was describing the little story that was on the table.  I wanted to cry... it was so moving.  I don't think I said a word though.  It was just one of those things that never happens.  My thoughts transferred into the work.  :)  "He was going to eat him, and then he doesn't, because he thinks 'this one isn't scared and could be a friend'"
It was just so arresting because he said it exactly in the same words as I had in my head.  Psychically connected, or psychically imprinted into the art?  hmmm.

I may have just teared  up.  It was pretty Magical, the whole experience and I definitely hope to make some more someday and see if I show someone and that happens again.  If I ever die I want Matt to write all the reviews of my work to let people know what was going on in my head.  :)

So here's the next batch to be painted, someday. :)  I have to get back to Val's painting!  AHHH!  :)  I must stop being so precious about that one too, and just get some wine and dimples paint already.  

Carla is cool too, and you should check out her website sometime and her art.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Distracted by Actors...happily...must be Disciplined like a Jedi.

I'm awake and I should be sleeping.  Got caught up in the van gogh movie.  And this cute critter.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dimples Paint.

I went out with a co-worker (who is 20) the other night and we being frustrated working part-time at a retail shop decided to go out and, well... whine like babies.  When I (35) should be getting off my ass and getting more film work I was swearing a lot about suffering through this retail job.  Like every other word.  I am proud of it, yes I am because it's better for me than that quiet thing called holding it in, or even meditating, which isn't really an outlet.  The difference that day was we were sitting next to a family in "Not your Average Joe's" and well... we were trying to clean it up with code word "dimples."

So "DIMPLES" get to the DIMPLES point already, Paintdimplesventure.

This week my main focus has been the detailed task of cleaning up my shaping, perspective lines, coloring, and my language.

my coffee went cold you can tell because it's the map from harry potter on the cup when it's hot.

I am having perspective issues with the cheese and cracker board.   It's been a little hard to imagine the vanishing line for me.  So feel free to steal the photo and draw over it in PS if you can see what it should be.  The "Ah HAH" moment has been lost on me.

Dimples Grapes and Dimples Sunflowers.

Dimples Highlights and Dimples Shading

Dimples Blurry Dimples Trees in window and Dimples more refined bricks in the Dimples wall.
There it is.  I hope to work more on the dramatic lighting this week but needed it to dry a bit before I went ahead and did some wash over the background wall.  I'm getting way more detailed than I have to, since the style is more like the reference photos in the background that I think my Aunt is looking for... but this is what happens when I paint.  I do whatever happens for a long while and then I go in and change it.  It's like it has to reach a certain Jess-style point before I can let it go and make it someone else's.  It's been happening since... I picked up a brush and dipped it in paint.

   It becomes more matchy of Aunt Val's Kitchen colors every time it's worked on, but for some reason, it's easier to have bright base colors to tone out with grays and tans later to create the sages and wine colors she likes so much... it takes a little mixing and not straight from the tube to get the subtle color with these water mixable oils since they only come in a few numbers of colors.  I'm getting there I swear with a lot of help from my color wheel :)  And all the other painter's say "DUH" but I must remember... this is the first time I'm using oils and now that I know it is a challenge to pull out the intensity of color in oil... I will be, you know... using it a lot more for my own work.  :)

This guy is way faster.  Watch :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Three Months and a Wedding.

It has been, yes.  Too long.  I agree.  I blame my Brother and my new sister in law. 

 They were married last weekend, see, and I was having much more fun paying attention the the happiness involved in that 3 month preparation than, psht, making CRAFTS.  My Mom however, made my dress.  Look how great my dress is.   My Mommy made my dress, and I am a Princess.  lol.  :)

   I'm the girl giving a funny look all the way to the left hand side.  My father stole Dana's Bride Linda away the second they said "I Do" and Dana was saying that he still had all these ladies.  :)  My family.  

I was barefoot and I am still 10 ft taller than any "normal size" girl.  But I got the "cute" gene, so it has been working out.  I make fun art and I make everyone laugh so that has to be something.

   Everyone from both sides bonded very quickly over making floral arrangements and putting up decorations on the day.  I guess there was group crafting happening.  It was such a memorable wedding and reception I can't imagine anyone not having fun!  My GRANDFATHER married these two crazy kids.  

ALRIGHT!  Enough jibber jabber!  Do you wanna see some painting?  I have some for you:)

This is where I started.  Gasp.  Stop looking.

This is where it was in April.  Above. 
Easter.  Dana announces engagement.  We all come together and make it happen in 3 months.  Forward to this past Wednesday night :

  So it's coming along, slowly and surely.  So glad I don't have a real deadline.  Today. ::arrow down::

 Clean Palate as of tonight, and here are some lovely grapes.

See you soon!

Friday, May 10, 2013


    Having a bit of I-am-just-not-in-the-right-creative-head-space to work on the Wine and Cheese and Landscape painting these past few weeks.  I have been staring at it.  It has been staring right back at me.  No one has blinked yet.

    I work weekends as a part-time "Activities Specialist/Classroom Coordinator" at a craft store.   I'm paid to "inspire" customers to craft.  I made this for the store about this time maybe last year and no one has the heart to take down or "refresh" the KONG!  It's completely not in an area that we sell these products anymore, but it's just so awesome and a huge hit with the kids that KONG LIVES!

This is some inspiration for the canvas bag display.

"S" for Superman.

Tie Dye Favorites

What else to do with a $1 placemat? Make it into a quick bag.

Chevrons are taking over the world

Glass Block lights and fun to put in your window

    Inspiration for the Open Stock Scrapbook papers Aisle.  This I thought about my Mom the whole time and how this little girl looks like her, and well everything just seemed like my Mom so I had a great time making this one, and it has become one of my "Bells of Mindfulness" at work, if you know what that means.  If not look up http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/9074.Thich_Nhat_Hanh and you will feel peaceful.

    That's it for this week.  I'm going to blink now. Let the painting win for this round. I need a coffee.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Progression: Aunt Val's Painting

Hello Friends.

I have been dragging my feet because I was really trying to do it Cezanne style.  Tonight I said Eff that.  I just tried to get lost.  It was all about trying to get those bricks to look like something, and then add a little of the beginnings of a landscape.  

It was hard to get into the groove tonight.  I was going back and forth feeling bad that I wasn't terribly panicked that my Grandfather is in the Hospital... again.  I am concerned, however, I feel kind of guilty when I'm not wrought with panic about it, since that was my norm for most of my life.  But since I am healing of all that... I think he will make it to his 84th? birthday this summer... just like I will make it to my 35th.  If not, I will punch myself in the face later about it.

 So when I stopped feeling bad that I wasn't feeling bad... I painted a snake in the grass.  And then everything started to flow.  Flowers went in, little things were fixed.  I must get rid of that bread and fix that bottle a bit, but so far good rough in of the flowers, and placing of the landscape outlines.  I'll paint over the snake eventually... but for now, he's my cheerleader.

 I really hate the bread thing,  I'm going to change it to crackers and cheese and more grapes because I kind of hate the grapes right now too since they are waiting on the wine bottle to be a different color and better.  Then the grapes will cover that edge of the bottle and look a little more like a bunch of grapes that aren't, weird.  Wine glass will go in soon.  I will try to focus on a nice sunbeam making its way into the scene too.  Let's see if I can successfully do that... (not confident...lol)

I'm a little tired, so I'm sorry about the "eh" style of writing tonight.  I just wanted to get some photos up since I do kinda love the energy that went in for the last hour which was happy and playful  which is me, and so it's looking a lot more fun then it did.  :)  No fancy links or tags tonight... later maybe...

Enya was not listened to high school painting class friends, because I don't have any on my computer.  A mix of Deep Forest, Faith No More, Return of the King, and some other stuff I can't remember right now on shuffle from my collection was vaguely present in my awareness during the zone though :)

Happy Tuesday!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Aunt Val's Painting

In High School I painted a still life in the style of Paul Cezanne.  It was the hardest assignment I had to do.  I was so frustrated with it I basically told my teacher in such a bratty teenage way, that I was done.  She pushed for me to "fix" a few things and I was like F-That, because it was me the class was waiting on to move on to the next assignment, and I didn't want to be the slow kid.  It still looks pretty good, but that teapot is just not quite right.  I don't care. It has character...lol

So here I go again, trying to do this style AGAIN.  I will get frustrated, I will be upset, but I'm going to get through it because it is for my Aunt Val, and I love her.  She just loves those grapes in the original painting.  Besides I had a ball painting the rest of the painting so this should go that way as well... it was just ... SLOW for me to pick up on the style.  Of course there will be little me-isms in there which you probably can tell already my base colors of Blue, Green, and Orange are already predominant... I will TRY to get more colors in there.  There's some red, and purple and some yellow in there already I swear!

So you'll be with me for a while on this one, but I'll post some other interesting things in between so we won't get bored.   

I was sent a few reference photo ideas for this one.  It is my first time using Water Soluble Oil Paint for an entire painting.  It takes a long time (I work with acrylics usually).  Oh and I like challenges. 


I really need the windows open for this one so it has been put off until the weather was better. I started the color blocking part months ago and the window in the painting was putting me off.  Mocking me, telling me it was "off" like the teapot so I figured it out working on that section mostly today (about 2 hours) So it's still in it's baby-stages but at a point where I can let you guys start following along with me.   

I hope to get some more interesting objects in there as time goes on, maybe some cheese,  but for now these are just place markers since what I really want to do is start getting the landscape in the window (I'm thinking Mt. Vesuvius) to look decent before I muck around with the table.  As you can see, I have set up my faux "still life" so as I get bored of either working on the table or the 'scape... I can switch easily between them without too much fixing.  The point for this one is going to be trying to get the light just right through that bottle. 

The photos aren't great of what (to the right) I worked on today since I have been too destitute to purchase new batteries for my good camera and these were taken on my phone,  the first earlier in the sun, the second with just my overhead living room lighting since it's now.. 2:30am.  I tend to over explain things out of nervous habit...

More soon!